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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6x4

The Lefty Call

Larry regrets getting Cha-Cha a job in his building when she monitors his bathroom habits, and runs into further problems with her when he has to make phone calls ‘lefty’; the Blacks and Larry are fed up with Cheryl’s environmentally conscious, but uncomfortable, toilet paper; a waiter objects to a doggie bag actually being prepared for a dog.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 6×4
Sep. 30, 2007

Hello This Is A Test

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