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Batman: 3x5

A Horse of Another Color

The Penguin steals a priceless folio of famous parasols from the Gotham City Library. He plans to wager the $10,000 earned from its ransom on a rigged horse race. Aided by his partner-in-crime Lola Lasagne, he disguises the favored entry Parasol as the unknown “Bumbershoot,” then enters a painted glue factory horse as “Parasol”. With everyone betting their money on the fake horse, it looks like the Penguin will make a fortune when the real Parasol wins the race. But he wasn’t counting on a last-minute entry of Bruce Wayne’s, the horse Waynebow, ridden by none other than Batgirl.

Batman: 3×5
Batman: 3×5
Oct. 12, 1967

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