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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 3x1

Chet's Shirt

Larry and Jeff invest in a restaurant with actor Ted Danson. In lieu of attending his dentist’s dinner party, Larry decides to shop for waiters’ uniforms, and in the process buys matching shirts for Ted and himself. But after Danson realizes his shirt has a small rip in it, he demotes Larry in The Wizard of Oz scene they’re re-enacting for his daughter’s birthday party (Larry refuses to switch from the Lion to the Tin Man). At the party, little Jill Danson misses the piñata and hits Larry in the mouth with her bat. Following an emergency visit to his dentist (who learned why Larry had skipped the dinner party), Larry is left with two abnormally large front teeth and one clean shirt that both he and Ted covet.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: 3×1
Curb Your Enthusiasm: 3×1
Sep. 15, 2002

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