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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1x6

Star City 2046

When a malfunction sends the Waverider crashing into 2046 Star City, our heroes face a startling version of their own future where they never stop Savage and never return home. The city is in ruins and overrun by criminals, which thrills Rory. Sara is despondent over the destruction of her home and stunned when she learns what happened to her old friend, Oliver Queen.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 1×6
Feb. 25, 2016

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