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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2x3
Nate is shocked to learn he has powers and accidentally lands himself and Ray in Feudal Japan. Sara, Vixen and Rory agree to find Nate and help him master his powers so he can defend a Japanese village from the Shogun and an army of samurai warriors. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein stay back to help repair the ship and find a secret compartment but decide not to tell the rest of the team what they learn.
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- 2 - 1Out of Time Oct. 13, 2016
- 2 - 2The Justice Society of America Oct. 20, 2016
- 2 - 3Shogun Oct. 27, 2016
- 2 - 4Abominations Nov. 03, 2016
- 2 - 5Compromised Nov. 10, 2016
- 2 - 6Outlaw Country Nov. 17, 2016
- 2 - 7Invasion! (IV) Dec. 01, 2016
- 2 - 8The Chicago Way Dec. 08, 2016
- 2 - 9Raiders of the Lost Art Jan. 24, 2017
- 2 - 10The Legion of Doom Jan. 31, 2017
- 2 - 11Turncoat Feb. 07, 2017
- 2 - 12Camelot/3000 Feb. 21, 2017
- 2 - 13Land of the Lost Mar. 07, 2017
- 2 - 14Moonshot Mar. 14, 2017
- 2 - 15Fellowship of the Spear Mar. 21, 2017
- 2 - 16Doomworld Mar. 28, 2017
- 2 - 17Aruba Apr. 04, 2017