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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2x5


When the Legends trace a timequake to President Reagan’s White House, they are shocked to discover their old enemy Damien Darhk is now a Senior Adviser to Reagan. As the team works to uncover what Darhk has up his devious sleeve, Sara struggles with the choice of getting revenge or helping with the team’s larger mission. Thinking that the JSA members could be of help, Amaya and Nate break into the JSA and are surprised at what they find. Meanwhile, Stein tries to prevent his younger self from creating an even bigger time Abberation.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2×5
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2×5
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2×5
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2×5
Nov. 10, 2016

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