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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5x8

Romeo V. Juliet: Dawn of Justness

The Legends continue their hunt for pieces of the Loom of Fate and find themselves face to face with William Shakespeare. Ray, Nate, Rory, Constantine, Charlie and Behrad stay a little longer on the mission making things worse after lying to Sara. Meanwhile, Ray and Nora make another big life decision that leaves the team surprised and best buds, Nate and Ray, on the outs.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 5×8
Mar. 17, 2020

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