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iZombie: 3x1
Heaven Just Got a Little Smoother
Liv has discovered there are more zombies living in Seattle than she previously believed. In fact, there’s a private military contractor employing a small zombie army, and that army is preparing for the day humans learn of their existence. Major was exonerated for the crimes of the Chaos Killer, but is still considered a pariah. He manages to land a job with the one and only place that will hire him. Meanwhile, Blaine is accused of lying.
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- 3 - 1Heaven Just Got a Little Smoother Apr. 04, 2017
- 3 - 2Zombie Knows Best Apr. 11, 2017
- 3 - 3Eat, Pray, Liv Apr. 18, 2017
- 3 - 4Wag the Tongue Slowly Apr. 25, 2017
- 3 - 5Spanking The Zombie May. 02, 2017
- 3 - 6Some Like it Hot Mess May. 09, 2017
- 3 - 7Dirt Nap Time May. 16, 2017
- 3 - 8Eat a Kinevel May. 22, 2017
- 3 - 9Twenty-Sided, Die May. 30, 2017
- 3 - 10Return of the Dead Guy Jun. 09, 2017
- 3 - 11Conspiracy Weary Jun. 13, 2017
- 3 - 12Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1 Jun. 20, 2017
- 3 - 13Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2 Jun. 27, 2017