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Lucifer: 3x18
The Last Heartbreak
As Chloe and Lucifer go on the hunt for a serial killer targeting couples in love, Pierce realizes the case is connected to a murder he previously solved…in 1958. Then, Lucifer becomes upset when Pierce has a change of heart about an important decision.
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- 3 - 1They're Back, Aren't They? Oct. 02, 2017
- 3 - 2The One with the Baby Carrot Oct. 09, 2017
- 3 - 3Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith Oct. 16, 2017
- 3 - 4What Would Lucifer Do? Oct. 23, 2017
- 3 - 5Welcome back, Charlotte Richards Oct. 30, 2017
- 3 - 6Vegas With Some Radish Nov. 06, 2017
- 3 - 7Off the Record Nov. 13, 2017
- 3 - 8Chloe Does Lucifer Nov. 20, 2017
- 3 - 9The Sinnerman Dec. 04, 2017
- 3 - 10The Sin Bin Dec. 11, 2017
- 3 - 11City of Angels? Jan. 01, 2018
- 3 - 12All About Her Jan. 22, 2018
- 3 - 13Til Death Do Us Part Jan. 29, 2018
- 3 - 14My Brother's Keeper Feb. 05, 2018
- 3 - 15High School Poppycock Feb. 26, 2018
- 3 - 16Infernal Guinea Pig Mar. 05, 2018
- 3 - 17Let Pinhead Sing! Mar. 12, 2018
- 3 - 18The Last Heartbreak Mar. 19, 2018
- 3 - 19Orange Is the New Maze Mar. 26, 2018
- 3 - 20The Angel of San Bernardino Apr. 16, 2018
- 3 - 21Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better Apr. 22, 2018
- 3 - 22All Hands on Decker Apr. 29, 2018
- 3 - 23Quintessential Deckerstar May. 07, 2018
- 3 - 24A Devil of My Word May. 14, 2018
- 3 - 25Boo Normal May. 28, 2018
- 3 - 26Once Upon a Time May. 28, 2018