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Seinfeld: 6x13

The Scofflaw

George meets an old friend who’s spent the last few months undergoing chemotherapy, that everyone knew except him. Kramer calls a litterbug “a pig” near a cop who’s on a quest to catch a longtime parking ticket scofflaw. Kramer wanting to change his image, asks Elaine where her old boyfriend got his glasses. He goes to see him at a book signing and says hi for Elaine, that means that she has lost the “upper hand” in their breakup, so she confronts him and then gets even by getting a copy of his glasses. George finds out from Gary, that he lied about his cancer and has been taking advantage of Jerry’s kindness. Kramer discovers the identity of “the scofflaw.” George gets a toupee.

Seinfeld: 6×13
Jan. 26, 1995

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