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Seinfeld: 8x7
The Checks
Elaine’s new boyfriend, Brett, is obsessed with designer furniture and the song “Desperado.” Jerry spots an umbrella salesman using the sales technique he invented. The salesman says it was someone else. Hundreds of twelve-cent royalty checks keep arriving from Jerry’s brief appearance on a Japanese television. Kramer warns George that the carpet cleaners he hired are actually a front for a religious cult. Intrigued, George tries to be converted, but they’re not interested. Kramer meets some Japanese businessman and he takes them on the town and to the cleaners. He is a little confused about the exchange rate. Brett delivers a large chest of drawers to Kramer and thinks that Jerry might be jealous. Kramer thinks the TV pilot that Jerry and George did would be perfect for Japanese television. They pitch it to a couple of Japanese TV executives. Elaine tries to find a song that she and Brett can share. Kramer puts his Japanese friends up at his place. They’re sleeping in the chest of drawers. Jerry caught in the rain meets the man in the street that claims credit for the twirl. He also meets Brett who is convinced Jerry is down on his luck. George gets the cleaners to do the offices at Yankee Stadium where they find a new recruit. Because of the humidity from the hot tub, Kramer’s guests get stuck in the chest. Jerry, with writer’s cramp from check signing, uses a fire ax to open the chest. That scares the Japanese guests and injures Brett who passes out.
Hello This Is A Test
- 8 - 1The Foundation Sep. 19, 1996
- 8 - 2The Soul Mate Sep. 26, 1996
- 8 - 3The Bizarro Jerry Oct. 03, 1996
- 8 - 4The Little Kicks Oct. 10, 1996
- 8 - 5The Package Oct. 17, 1996
- 8 - 6The Fatigues Oct. 31, 1996
- 8 - 7The Checks Nov. 07, 1996
- 8 - 8The Chicken Roaster Nov. 14, 1996
- 8 - 9The Abstinence Nov. 21, 1996
- 8 - 10The Andrea Doria Dec. 19, 1996
- 8 - 11The Little Jerry Jan. 09, 1997
- 8 - 12The Money Jan. 16, 1997
- 8 - 13The Comeback Jan. 30, 1997
- 8 - 14The Van Buren Boys Feb. 06, 1997
- 8 - 15The Susie Feb. 13, 1997
- 8 - 16The Pothole Feb. 20, 1997
- 8 - 17The English Patient Mar. 13, 1997
- 8 - 18The Nap Apr. 10, 1997
- 8 - 19The Yada Yada Apr. 24, 1997
- 8 - 20The Millennium May. 01, 1997
- 8 - 21The Muffin Tops May. 08, 1997
- 8 - 22The Summer of George May. 15, 1997