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Timeless: 2x6

The King of the Delta Blues

When Rufus and Jiya add a fourth seat to the Lifeboat, for the first time ever, Connor Mason joins the team as they travel back to the dusty backroads and smoky juke joints of the Depression-era South to rescue the life and legacy of Robert Johnson – King of the Delta Blues, Godfather of Rock n’ Roll and a man who, legend has it, bought his musical genius from the Devil for the price of his soul. Meanwhile, Agent Christopher keeps Wyatt in the present to execute a dangerous raid on Rittenhouse headquarters.

Timeless: 2×6
Timeless: 2×6
Timeless: 2×6
Timeless: 2×6
Timeless: 2×6
Apr. 22, 2018

Hello This Is A Test

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