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Blindspot: 2x18
Senile Lines
Under investigation by an old rival, the team struggles to defend itself. Meanwhile, a tattoo leads them to a mysterious death at a foster home
Hello This Is A Test
- 2 - 1In Night So Ransomed Rogue Sep. 14, 2016
- 2 - 2Heave Fiery Knot Sep. 21, 2016
- 2 - 3Hero Fears Imminent Rot Sep. 28, 2016
- 2 - 4If Beth Oct. 05, 2016
- 2 - 5Condone Untidiest Thefts Oct. 12, 2016
- 2 - 6Her Spy's Harmed Oct. 19, 2016
- 2 - 7Resolves Eleven Myths Oct. 26, 2016
- 2 - 8We Fight Deaths on Thick Lone Waters Nov. 09, 2016
- 2 - 9Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform Nov. 16, 2016
- 2 - 10Nor I, Nigel, AKA Leg in Iron Jan. 04, 2017
- 2 - 11Droll Autumn, Unmutual Lord Jan. 11, 2017
- 2 - 12Devil Never Even Lived Jan. 18, 2017
- 2 - 13Name Not One Man Feb. 08, 2017
- 2 - 14Borrow or Rob Feb. 15, 2017
- 2 - 15Draw O Caesar, Erase a Coward Feb. 22, 2017
- 2 - 16Evil Did I Dwell, Lewd I Did Live Mar. 22, 2017
- 2 - 17Solos Mar. 29, 2017
- 2 - 18Senile Lines Apr. 05, 2017
- 2 - 19Regard a Mere Mad Rager Apr. 26, 2017
- 2 - 20In Words, Drown I May. 03, 2017
- 2 - 21Mom May. 10, 2017
- 2 - 22Lepers Repel May. 17, 2017